Tokyo came to me…

Along with his bride, Mr. Magyrossy graced me with his presence those weeks ago:  the photographs on my fridge — wonderfully  askew — bear a poetic witness to it.

Ink and music; wine and smoke… we indulged each other until ‘The Fade’TM set in…

And so, my friends, it seems you brought Tokyo to me, and I am still reflecting on that magical fold in time where we regaled each other… and look forward with great anticipation to the next installment in our ongoing saga: 12 years and counting.  Beautiful!

Jon Mychal — Toronto/ May 27 2010



2 responses to “Tokyo came to me…”

  1. Daniel Magyarossy Avatar
    Daniel Magyarossy

    That was a magical night. The pictures and memories prove it. I’ve always dreamt of meeting my heroes, so called famous people…to me they are just kindred spirits who are separated in place and opportunity but joined in mind and the ether trail. Rarely do the two come together, sometimes in luck, as when I won backstage passes to meet Lamb of God. Sometimes in fate, as when I met Jon and the good chances to continue our relationship never die. Lately I’ve dreamt of meeting Metallica in Budapest and guiding them to their hotel when they were lost at 1AM. I’ve met the Tokugawa shogun (from several hundred years ago) and asked him for permission to exact vengeance on my enemy, I’ve had guitar lessons with Joe Bonnamassa and bottles of red wine with Mikael Akerfeldt…etc etc. All strange but seemingly real events. There have been many others, on a weekly basis this occurs. The best waking dreams I’ve had have been the time I’ve spent in the company of Jon Mychal.

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