Tag: metaphysics

  • It’s Always ‘NOW’… brought to You by ‘Then’…

      Ruminating on a lecture I recently watched by neuroscience researcher and popular “new atheist” Sam Harris on ‘Death and the Present Moment’, among other things, I was impressed by the fact that he was able to cajole 4000+ atheists in to doing a 5 minute “mindfulness meditation” akin to certain Buddhists practices. And rather effortlessly,…

  • The Process…

      “Sometimes I see ladies walking and crying; Those are my blue skies; Those are my high heels.” (poetic thought — referring to a woman I saw a few days ago on Bayview ave. — crying while walking and on her mobile phone) The latter part refers to the sky I’m presently viewing while perched…

  • “I’ll have a large coke — no ice…”

    … a statement we’ve all heard at some point across this fat and spoiled continent, most likely in a fast food joint. This past weekend, while out for brunch (see “Stuff white people like” www.stuffwhitepeoplelike.com), ‘Mother Nature’ /aka Gaia /aka ‘The Goddess’TM, etc. came calling, and off to the ‘lieu’ we went (I know how…

  • Movement and Shift

      (June 16 2010) Staring out the window at the tonal sky, glass in hand… Waiting for that wrinkle to once again manifest; A pinching of senses; funneled through a thick-glassed bottom; Modern nostalgia loops behind me, While the wind whistles through the joint and tousles the curtains… Too bright yet to fire up the…

  • “It is what it is”… or is it…??

    Some things hit one’s proverbial RADAR with the force of an Atom bomb — or a silvery disk, traveling at impossible speeds; the inhabitants of which grinning wildly while tipping back fizzy, intergalactic potions in a reckless fashion.  Either illustration works, for both serve to convey a profound occurrence or event that is unmistakably real.…