Tag: Jon Mychal

  • The Circle

    Listless, I spent this afternoon reviewing touch-ups on final master recordings for one of my clients, all the while distracted by the continuing “ripple effect” of last night’s dreams — or at least, the ones I recall: Matt Damon (!!??) was a bartender in a deserted subway station; his concern for my well-being only further…

  • Tokyo came to me…

    Along with his bride, Mr. Magyrossy graced me with his presence those weeks ago:  the photographs on my fridge — wonderfully  askew — bear a poetic witness to it. Ink and music; wine and smoke… we indulged each other until ‘The Fade’TM set in… And so, my friends, it seems you brought Tokyo to me,…

  • Just another day…

    … and as such, seemingly unremarkable as it rolls out. Yet not so, for it marks two significant occasions:  The end of an era… and the commencement of another. Cryptic, I know, but stay tuned… While my web site continues to undergo offline changes in architecture, thrust/direction and aesthetics, I felt compelled — on a…