Category: Poetry
“Take Care/ Drive Safe”
Seen off; wood smoke burning, 30 years after the match; Lights in the sky… and on the heart – like spots on the lung; The sting – the burn… Breath in… Ramble On. Faint smell of roots… then the dye – dark is the light: “Oh Say Boy… Can you see?” Bottom bounces in, then…
Today I saw a Gardener who looked like You; tied curls and brambles… I imagined for a moment that You never died; that we might revisit those hedges… should the fancy strike… Jon Mychal / Toronto — June 14 2013 Tweet
The Trip…
So lay the remains of this torn device – an esoteric look-back through time; years like kilometers, both travelled and worn. Spared the flight from reason by intentions lathered in innocuity, seasons gave way to one another in a seamless manner, while the etheric plane galvanized beneath swollen…
Jonny cum Cumulus…
Drinking wine pressed from the year we split… The plump of 2013 now calls; Gorgeous layered on top of pomp — it’s a fix: Fix my disjointed fuck… my gripe… Blue skies…black hearts… I’M MOVING. Jon Mychal / Toronto — March 27 2013 Tweet