Author: Jon Mychal
A Fond Farewell…
(last entry from the old journal) I’m on a Wilson bus — headed west from Avenue rd. to Wilson station, where I’ll board a ‘120 Calvington’ and go pick up a Fender Jazz Bass I learned about through a Kijiji ad. I walked north on Avenue rd. after finally reclaiming one of my Hard Drives I…
On Memory…
(Journaling on public transit) Earlier today, I had a quick ‘fizzle’ of a memory that I would never have imagined experiencing again. The irony is, I’ve since forgotten the specifics, but am left with the emotional impression. I was trying to liken this phenomenon to something visceral, and came up with this: The memory resides…
Halcyon Reflections
(partial Journal excerpt) 8pm-ish. I just found a seat in a place that — while it makes all the sense in the world — I have yet to journal from this location even once in the 6 years or so that I’ve owned this book! “Rocket Ship Park“. Indeed, from earliest childhood memories, through some rather…